Monday, September 14, 2009

No more bliss...

I spent today at work reading about all the horrors caused by environmental contaminants on breast cancer and childhood diseases and developmental disabilities. At times I feel like ignorance is bliss, but now I'm compelled to learn as much as I can. I can't help but always wonder about what was the real cause for Manav's mild cerebral palsy. He was fairly low birth weight at 5lbs 15 ozs. which leads me to believe that he wasn't getting what he needed in utero. I was also learning about high levels of specific cancer-causing chemicals found in breast milk. I wish now that I had my milk tested. But what would I have really done had I known all of this? Moved from our contaminated building that has a sign saying that this building sits on hazardous materials known to cause reproductive harm and birth defects. Why don't they tell you these things in the lease before you sign? How could we have moved there when we were pregnant?

On another note, Manav is changing so much lately. He's been doing great at daycare - eating up a storm and sleeping for nearly 3 hours! I'm noticing that he's treating me different from other people. He's definitely much fussier with me. Every evening now he seems to not want dinner and just fusses. Is it his way of saying I just need you mama because I didn't have you around all day? I don't know.

Tomorrow we go to PIP, the Parent Infant Play program through Children's Hospital. I love going to PIP. It is just a safe haven for Manav and I, unlike Gymboree where I felt really isolated from all the parents who were so focused on what their kids were and weren't doing. At PIP, we get to be ourselves and truly feel supported. Manav is currently the youngest child at PIP and last week Karen told us that she thinks Manav is ready to move from Mary Beth's circle to her circle, where she works with the kids on more complex concepts - shapes, sizes, colors, body parts. Also, I won't be in the circle with him. I must say, I was very proud of my little monkey! He's graduated to the bigger circle, and he's the youngest of the group! And yesterday we went to see Lina, Xinfeng and Ayaan and Manav and Ayaan had a great time playing together. It was the first time I could see Manav really enjoying his interactions with a peer. It was so nice to see them laughing together and babbling to one another.

I think I'm really starting to enjoy motherhood more - taking a step back really helps...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Finally took the plunge!

It's taken me a while to finally venture into blog land. I think I've just been craving a safe space to write, for a long time now - ultimately for myself. Maybe one day I might scrounge up enough courage to share it with others. But right now it's just for me...

It's nearly midnight on a Sunday night. I'm 32, a new mom of a child with special needs, a wife of an amazingly compassionate and respectul human being - how I was gifted such a man to share my life with, I don't know. After staying at home full-time for exactly one year to be with Manav, our little 19 month old monkey, I started a new job last week. I have the utmost respect for working families - it's hard to believe that I belong to a community of rushing, scheduled, spread thin people trying desparately hard to balance it all.

Through this process, I might go back and reflect on the past here and there, but for now I'm just going to start with the present - today.

The house is a mess because we're leaving for Nepal on Friday for 5 weeks - the longest I've been there. I'm not so worried about myself. Many of the fears I've had from previous trips to Nepal have disappeared but new fears are popping up - mainly about Manav. I hope he'll be ok...I hope he won't get sick...I hope others won't treat him different because he's not walking yet.

It's late and I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow - Sundays just aren't the same anymore. So until tomorrow....