Sunday, August 7, 2011

Thomas the Train!

We went to go visit Thomas the Train today in Santa Cruz and Manav had a great time! We told him last week that we were going to ride Thomas and he was so excited this morning. We got dressed in his train conductor outfit that Nishant and Neha gave to him on his birthday and we gave him a little Thomas surprise that had his cap, whistle and medallion to wear.  He just loved it!  He walked out the door feeling like such a big guy, it was hillarious!  We took pictures the whole time and it was truly a wonderful day :) 

What's nice is that Manav is getting older and I can tell he appreciates these things.  It makes him so happy which made the entire day completely worth it.

On Saturday Satish and I went to have an aura reading at Aesclepion and it was truly amazing! I have been wanting us to go as a way to celebrate our anniversary and have some questions answered regarding our move to Nepal. We both had our own readings in separate rooms where we were given the opportunity to ask three questions.  They spent 90 minutes with each of us and we both walked away feeling validated and what they shared with us, affirmed our decision to move.  My reading focused alot on new directions and entering a transformative phase in my life.  They said that I had alot of clarity around our decision to move but that there was some heavy brown energy that was entering and making it challenging to feel completely happy. This had to do mainly with leaving behind mama and papa.  They said that I was a woman warrior in my previous life and that I was relying on this energy from this previous life to guide me in my new life, my new role as a woman in Nepal, which I thought was very interesting.  They said that I will definitely be challenged in my role as a woman in Nepal, but that I will be doing good work, work I've always wanted to do. Another powerful part of the reading had to do with having another child and letting go of some deep rooted pain and guilt around Manav's birth.  They helped me release some of the responsibility I was feeling about Manav's birth and said that it was pre-determined for us to have Manav.  In fact the three of us have traveled together as spirits in a previous life...which to me makes perfect sense, especially when it comes to Satish and I.  Things are so easy with us and happened so immediately that it must be something that we've learned from being together before...  They invited Manav's spirit into the room and read his aura/energy and said that he has a very strong sense of self, lots of confidence and is very capable.  They said that his physical body does not represent how big a presence he has. His aura revealed alot of red which I'm assuming is symbolic of how vibrant he is.  It completely resonates with what everyone says about Manav.  I see people become so drawn to him and are completely charmed by him - from his teachers and therapists to strangers in a restaurant or the store. People definitely do gravitate towards him, and Satish and I have nothing to do with that.  That's all him, and even these telepathic people could see that!  They continued to tell me that they do see another child, a little girl (though the child may not actually be a girl). They said that I can start talking to her and invite her into this journey with us even though she hasn't taken a physical form yet. Having my IUD removed later this month and thinking very actively about having another baby, has in some ways allowed us to invite this second child into our journey was just so wonderfully validating, all of it.

For Satish, the entire experience was not as intense or mind blowing as it was for me.  They did share some very concrete things with him that were completely accurate - such as being surrounded by women and that he must have been like a guru in his previous life.  It makes perfect sense because Satish is so calm, grounded, not affected by drama unfolding around him and is just very Zen. Much of that wisdom is brought into this current life of his.  They said that the first couple of years will be a bit tough for us in Nepal, but that financially we will be fine.

I had three people doing my reading with me, including one of the lead instructors for the center, and she was the one who assigned us to the different healers/readers.  I think she knew I had more work that I needed to do than Satish...  anyhow, it was a wonderful experience and we both were so glad that we did it.  It's validated our inner calling to embark on this move to Nepal and has allowed us to accept our family for the beautiful spirits that we are, individually and collectively.


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